
Return of spectators

As we prepare for the return of spectators we have produced a list of Frequently Asked Questions to assist supporters in explaining some of the key changes on matchdays at the New Bucks Head.

We are urging supporters to embrace and accept these new changes and help the football club while we go through the process of welcoming spectators back into the ground, a match day at the New Bucks Head will be very different.

Please Note: Non-adherence to any of the supporter’s code of conduct will result in the Club having the capacity drastically reduced.

I am a season ticket holder. Can I attend the game?

Yes, we are able to accommodate everyone who has purchased a 2020/21 season ticket. Please bring your new season ticket card with you as this is required to gain access.

I don’t have a season ticket. Can I buy a ticket?

Yes tickets will be available online from AFC Telford United (

Please ensure you have purchased your ticket in advance to ensure you have guaranteed a ticket.

I haven’t collected my season ticket card yet. Can I pick it up before the game?

The ticket office will be open between Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm for supporters to collect their season ticket cards, however please allow yourself plenty of time and keep a safe distance.

Can I sit in my usual season ticket seat?

Please be prepared that your normal seat may not be available currently. In order to adhere to social distancing, we have had to individually mark every seat with a green and red sticker so supporters know where they can and can’t sit currently. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding, and we intend for everyone to return to their normal seat once these restrictions are over.

Will parking be available?

Yes, car parking will be available on the Learning Centre Car Park. Please be prepared that payment for parking is to be made via the parking meters on the car park. Please ensure you have your debit card for contactless. Parking can also be paid for via the ‘Pay to Park’ app within 24 hours of the end of the game.

We will not be taking cash currently. Please maintain social distancing when leaving or returning to your car. If you haven’t yet collected your parking pass.

There is no parking provision on the Hotel side and anyone using it will receive a fine.

Do I need to do anything before I arrive at the stadium?

All spectators MUST NOT attend if:

  • You feel unwell
  • You are self-isolating
  • You or someone you have been in close contact with has tested positive
  • You or someone you have been in close contact with has symptoms of coronavirus, including a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, sore throat, headache, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

What time should I arrive at the stadium?

Plan your journey in advance and arrive at the stadium in plenty of time. We are aiming to have the ground open from 1.30pm for a Saturday fixture and 6.30pm for a Tuesday night game.

What happens when I get to the ground?

Please ensure that you arrive in plenty of time to go through the entry procedures, including a temperature check. If you record a temperature of 37.8 degrees or above, you will not be permitted to enter the ground and should return home.

There will be limited turnstiles in operation and access to the East Terrace will be through the F2 exit gate which is situated between the Learning Centre and the education classroom.

You will only be able to gain access through your specified entry point. The use of the NHS App with the stadium QR Code will speed up your entry. Please use the hand sanitiser dispensers that can be found throughout the stadium.

Please avoid bringing large bags into the stadium and only do so if absolutely necessary, to avoid slowing down the stadium entry process.

Once in the ground, can I move to a different stand?

Supporters will NOT be allowed to transfer stands to purchase food or drink at half time.

The capacity of each stand has been reduced significantly to ensure there is sufficient space for social distancing to be maintained. Please be aware that we will not be allowed supporters to move between stands. Please remain in your family or social bubble, be aware of your proximity to fellow supporters and cooperate fully with our stewards at all times.

Do I have to wear a face covering?

Yes, everyone attending the game must wear a face covering when entering, exiting and moving around the stadium. You may remove your face covering once in your seat or standing area and while eating or drinking, however the club strongly encourages supporters to wear a face covering at all times. If you do not have a face covering or a medical exemption, then you will not be able to enter the ground.

Will the kiosks and bars be open?

No, both the bars & snack bars inside the West Stand and the Hamer Leisure Stand will be closed.

Food and drink will be available from two catering vans outside the stadium, you will be able to access these from an exit under the control tower or before or after the game.

The East Terrace Snack Bar and East Terrace Bar will remain open. Please remember to maintain social distancing when queuing. Only supporters who gain entrance pre match into the East Terrace will be allowed an alcoholic drink.

Will the Club Shop be open?

Yes, the club shop will be open from 1.30pm-3pm. Only One supporter or family group will be allowed in at one time and…

We are happy to accept cash payments or card payments in the Club Shop.

Will I be able to buy a programme?

There will be no programmes available to purchase inside the ground. You will need to purchase your match day programme from the Club Shop.

You can purchase digital copies for £2.99 and printed copies for £3.00 from the main club office from Monday morning.

Will Smoking or Vaping be allowed?

Smoking, including vaping, will not be permitted anywhere inside the stadium. We will however allow supporters an opportunity at half time to step outside the ground for a smoke

Will there be toilets available?

Yes, when using toilet facilities, please be aware a queuing system will be in place. Be patient and considerate towards other users, and follow the instructions of our stewards and staff. Where possible, try to avoid peak times (such as half-time and the end of the game). Maintain good hand hygiene at all times around the stadium – use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face, or handles and railings whenever possible.

Can I leave my seat during the game?

Please remain in your seat/standing location for the full game if possible and avoid unnecessary movement. If you need to leave your seat, please wait until gangways are clear, avoid face to face contact and follow stewards’ instructions. At all times please observe social distancing and avoid close contact with others not in your social bubble.

What happens at full-time?

Please be ultra-patient when leaving the stadium and listen to the advice from the PA system. Exiting the Stadium will be via the external fire exits and not through the concourses.  No one is to re-enter the concourses at the end of the game. In most cases you will only be permitted to leave upon the direction of a steward to ensure staggered exits across the stadium footprint and thus mitigate any risk. It will take longer than normal to leave due to these procedures.

Will the streaming continue

Yes, we will continue streaming our home games while the ban on streaming live football at 3pm is lifted.

I have another question or query. Can you help?

Please email [email protected] or call 01952 640064 and we will do our best to assist you.


Return of spectators

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